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live at Brunetti's
It’s easy enough to grow out of touch with a local scene when you’ve lived elsewhere for a few years. It’s also easy for an older poet to lose track of what’s going on. I hadn’t felt excited by much new Australian writing for a while. But poetry, in Melbourne at least, is alive and well. And possibly elsewhere too. My old friend John Scott, nominally a fiction writer these days, was delighted that a recent crop of poets coming out of the University of Wollongong’s writing program regarded the novel as a hopelessly passé literary form. At last here were some poets who weren’t just closet novelists; who regarded writing poems a better bet than angling for fame and fortune in a grossly overcrowded fiction market. More importantly here were people who didn’t regard the poem as some kind of transparent autobiographical medium. I came across some wonderful work while guest editing an issue of foam:e journal due to appear in a couple of months. And while in Melbourne I met some of the poets. Seen above with Gig Ryan (second left) at Brunettis in Carlton are Sam Langer, Corey Wakeling and Tim Wright. Below are a couple of terrific small press productions emanating from these guys and many others.
Corey Wakeling's perceptive review of John Tranter's latest book is here
nice to see the Sonnet alive and well
pete spence
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